Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Le Chant des EAGLES

Le Chant des EAGLES

Les gens parlent de nous, mais pour autant ils ne savent pas d’où nous venons.
Ils ne savent pas que nous venons du Ghetto, et que nous avons décidé de faire la différence.
Nous avons décidé de se battre et de faire la différence en notre génération.
Nous sommes des fils du Ghetto, nous avons choisi d’être des références  aujourd’hui.
Aujourd’hui c’est par notre détermination et notre dévouement pour le Seigneur que l’ont nous reconnait.

Nous sommes fils du Ghetto, mais désormais Dieu a fait de nous des exemples et des modèles dans notre génération.

Là où nous venons, c’est presque égale à  une jungle, las bas tout le monde écope, jeune, vieillard, femme et enfant.  

Là bas, nous avons vécu une époque de souffrance ; là bas nous avons connu la faim, la peine, la douleur, le chagrin, la déception, et parfois même l’envie de finir avec notre vie.

Le Ghetto nous a appris qu’il faut se battre ; il nous a appris qu’avec des mains et des pieds l’homme peut faire la différence, mais surtout il nous a appris que Jésus Christ pouvait nous prendre de nulle part pour nous conduire quelque part. 

Nous avons décidé de briller comme des phares bien que venant du Ghetto ; avec une relation intime et personnelle avec Jésus Christ nous avons poussé très haut. Ayant mit un rêve dans notre cœur Jésus Christ nous a élevé par sa grâce.

Aujourd’hui nos vies sont meilleurs qu’avant ; Dieu a fait de nous les champions de notre génération. Ce que nous sommes aujourd’hui n’est rien comparé à ce que nous seront demain par la grâce de Dieu. Maintenant allez dire aux hommes que nous sommes des EAGLES.

Nous avons vécu dans des bas quartiers ; nos vies n’avaient rien d’originale, sinon du déjà vue. Si nous te racontons notre histoire, je peux t’assurer que tu fondras en larmes.  Mais lorsque nous avons rencontré Jésus Christ, il a fait de nous des standards.

Nous avons fait la promesse qu’un jour quoiqu’il en soit, un jour nous sortiront du Ghetto ; un jour nous seront en haut, un jour nos vies seront meilleurs qu’avant. Un OUI à Jésus Christ et nous voici entrain de parcourir le Monde.

Nous ne  voulons plus vivre cette mauvaise époque ; nous refusons la faim, les pleurs, la souffrance, la peine, la douleur, l’échec, la médiocrité, le statu quo ; le compromis, car nous avons été racheté au prix du sang de Jésus Christ ; plus de demi tour.

Aujourd’hui nous voyageons dans le monde pour raconter notre histoire ; l’histoire de celui qui  a donné un sens a notre existence ; aujourd’hui le Monde veut nous écouter, nous voir, nous toucher, juste pour savoir si réellement Dieu peut transformer une vie.

Nous sommes la preuve que Dieu aime toujours l’Homme ; nous sommes la preuve qu’un OUI a Jésus peut changer toute une vie ; nous sommes la preuve de l’existence d’un Dieu vivant qui peut faire d’un vaincu, un vainqueur. Nous sommes la preuve que Dieu peut devenir le centre de la vie d’un Homme aujourd’hui. Nous sommes la preuve que même en plein Babylone Dieu peut toujours trouver des Daniels.

Nous sommes des EAGLE.

Monday, May 21, 2012

General Report/ SRC VVU Chaplaincy

General Report
Students’ Representative Council
Valley View University
Chaplaincy Office
2011 - 2012

        By the grace of God on May 2011, I was elected as the Chaplain of the Students’ Representative Council (SRC) of Valley View University, for a one year term, which started from August 2011 to May 2012. 

          As stipulated by the SRC Constitution at page 15, my major work as Chaplain was as follow:
a) Shall be in charge of all religious and devotional activities of the Council.

b) Shall be the Council’s representative in religious life and chaplaincy committee(s) and meetings of the University.
c) Shall be responsible for the spiritual upliftment of the members of the Council.
d) Shall be responsible for any duty specified in the Bye-laws of this constitution.

         It was a challenge for me, for as I took my office, I had to lift higher the role of the Students’ Chaplain on Campus. Because, firstly for the past years the council had never organised any spiritual activity; secondly, the role of the chaplain was thought to be met only for opening and closing prayer during meetings; finally, the chaplaincy office of the SRC did not have any committee with a structure to enable it to be more efficient on campus and off campus.

         Therefore, my major focus during my term was to give practical answers to the various remarks made on the previous lines. That is to say:
(1)   Organization of a Spiritual Activity by the SRC
(2)  Enlarging the work of the Chaplain in the SRC
(3)   Organized and structured the SRC Chaplaincy Committee

          Before I go ahead, I would like to mention the various programs that I planned to organize when I was standing for the position of SRC Chaplain. On my manifesto, here are the programs that I mentioned:
(1)   An Outreach Program
(2)  A Bible Conference
(3)  A Chaplaincy Committee
(4)  A Structure for the SRC Chaplaincy Committee 

         After being elected, all the above programs were accepted by the Executive Committee of the Students’ Representative Council (of which I am part), and later by a majority vote by the Senate.

          At the end of my term, by the grace of God, here is the summary of what I have been able to fulfil:
(1)   A Lead Bible Conference was organized by SRC ( 1st Semester )
(2)  A “All Nations Day was organized by SRC ( 2nd Semester)
(3)  The Chaplaincy Office of SRC has now a Chaplaincy Committee with a Structure
(4)  A period of Bible Studies and Prayer Session for the Executive Committee was put in place (Saturday afternoon from 2:00pm to 3:00pm, with the support of the SRC President). Note that for many Sabbaths we met as planned.
(5)  At the end of the term 2 students from the Executive Committee were baptized to the faith (The Vice – President and the Sergeant at arms) 

         I was not able to organize the Outreach program which was supposed to take place one week before the Week of Spiritual Emphasis of the second semester, simply because at that time the Valley View University Chaplaincy had also planned to have a pre – Week of Spiritual Emphasis before to the Week of Spiritual Emphasis. Since we (SRC) aimed for the same purpose the SRC Cabinet decided to drop its outreach program for the pre – Week of Spiritual Emphasis.

       Finally, without any mistake I can say that, by the grace of God I have been able to achieve all that I promised to do in my manifesto. With humility, I do recognize that I might have done certain things in a wrong way during my term of office, but thanks be to God for I have learnt so many things in terms of administration, leadership and spirituality. My prayer is that as I handover, the Lord will prosper the SRC Chaplaincy office, the Students’ Representative, and Valley View University.

       I would like to thank the Chaplaincy Office of Valley View University, especially the Chaplain, Pastor Juvenal Balisasa; All the SRC Executive members, especially the president; and all those who might have contributed to a successful term of office.
          May God bless you,
          Long live Valley View University

Former Students’ Chaplain
Valley View University
Ghana - Accra

Friday, May 18, 2012

Fight the Good fight

Fight the Good fight
Chaplaincy Board Meeting Valley View University - 25/04/2012
Last Message as a member of the Committee
In every generation God has always raised up  people who will stand and break the status quo; people who will glorify His name by living an exemplary life, full of modesty, honesty, and spirituality. In the midst of the 21st Century, God is still in the business of raising an army of dedicated people old and young, who will dare to make the difference by holding, on values such as excellence, integrity, and service. 

For the past 4 years, I have been on this campus, and have been witnessing a spiritual transformation that is taking place in the life of many people, especially among students. And I can testify, without any mistake that, God has already prepared us (Faculty, Staff, administrator and Students) to face the spiritual battles that are rising today. For “To stand in defence of truth and righteousness when the majority forsake us, to fight the battles of the Lord when champions are few--this will be our test” (E.G. White, The Last day Events p.181)

Despite circumstances, God is calling each one of us “not to conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our mind” (Romans 12:2) and Paul urges us to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God (Romans 12:1). I do believe that we can in this secular world, live a godly life through the power of the Holy Spirit. This University can be a powerful Evangelism Centre for Salvation, and yes, it is. This is possible through a personal relationship that each one of us ought to have with Jesus Christ, by praying and studying the word of God every single day.

Indeed, we are the greatest want of the world in this very generation, on this very campus. For “The greatest want of the world [VVU] is the want of men--men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall” (E.G. White, Education, p.57) This is our calling, this what we stand for.

As I close these lines, I would like to invite you to remain firm no matter what may come. We have received the assurance and the promises of a resurrected saviour who is coming soon to take us home. Lift up the trumpet an loud let it ring: Jesus Christ is coming again; cheer up, ye pilgrims, be joyful and sing: Jesus Christ is coming again; Echo it, hilltops, proclaim it, ye plains: Jesus Christ is coming again; He is coming in glory, the Lamb that was slain on Calvary; and when he comes we shall see the Lord we have been waiting for, in glory; face to face I will see my Friend Jesus Christ.  

This is my wish for you, but until then let your heart go on singing; until then, with joy carry on; until the day your eyes behold the golden city, until the day God calls you home, fight the good fight of faith. Take hold of the Eternal life you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. May you say like Paul to Timothy: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store  for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day – and not only me, but to all who have longed for his appearing” (2 Timothy 4: 6 – 8 ) 

May God bless you, and keep you faithful until we meet again.


About Me

About Him

-------Know Him

Ogouma Tony is a Gabonese, holding a bachelor degree of Arts in Theological Studies form Valley View University, Ghana. He is currently the president of JAFA – AFRIQUE, a francophone movement of Adventist Students and Young Professionals. International and Motivational Speaker, Ogouma Tony is well known for his passion for Evangelism, Excellence and Leadership. Though he is very young, his ministry has been a blessing for many in Africa and around the World. Tony believes that “if you can imagine it, you can achieve it by the grace of God”.


Ogouma Tony est une jeune Gabonais, diplômé en Lettres Modernes et Etudes Théologiques de l’Université de Valley – View au Ghana. Il est actuellement le Président de JAFA – AFRIQUE, un mouvement évangélique international dirigé par des jeunes. Orateur international et motivationnel, Ogouma Tony est connu pour sa passion pour l’évangélisation, le leadership et l’Excellence. Bien qu’étant jeune son ministère a été une bénédiction pour plusieurs personnes en Afrique et dans le monde. Tony croit que « si on peut l'imaginer, on peut le réaliser par la grâce de Dieu »

-----Know His Ministry
Over the past 7 years Ogouma Tony has been directly involved in evangelism, and thousands of people have been baptized through his ministry. Tony’s ministry is structured as such:
1.      Evangelistic activities
2.      Young People Ministry
3.      Young Adults and Professionals Ministry
4.      Leadership Seminaries
5.      Conferences
6.      Campus ( Focus on Secular Universities)


Depuis près de 7 ans, Ogouma Tony est directement impliqué dans l’Évangélisation, et plusieurs personnes on été amener au Seigneur a travers son ministère. Le ministère de Tony tourne autour de ce qui suit :
1.      Activités Évangéliques
2.      Ministère à  la Jeunesse
3.      Ministère aux Jeunes Adultes et Professionnelles
4.      Séminaire sur le Leadership
5.      Conférences
6.      Campus (Ministère Évangélique  aux Campus Universitaires Publics)

------Contact Him

Email : ogouma.tony

Web site :
B.P (P.O.BOX) : Ogouma Tony S/C Église Adventiste du 7eme Jour
                B.P 4074 Libreville – Gabon